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A well-structured, easy-to-use API review process
Through a well-structured API review process, ensure your APIs are of high quality and adheres to industry standards.
Standardize the API review process with configurable, visual workflows
The built-in, configurable Kanban board helps ensure a well-structured API review process geared with different user roles with varying permissions such as admins, designers, and reviewers. Only the reviewers who adhere to the established standards are authorized to mark an API as complete.

Handy feedback system to engage in a constructive API review discussion
Reviewers can leave in-line comments on APIs upon which designers can directly respond and get into a constructive, professional discussion to create best-of-breed APIs.

Compare API changes against past versions
Compare the API changes made by the designers against old API versions or previous revisions prior to approval to ensure effective API evolution.

Reliable conflict resolution system for merges
Seamlessly merge approved API changes to the original branch supported by a reliable conflict resolution system.