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Synergized API efforts through community support
Engaging API-community features to collaborate for API success.
Craft your own API community
Get your API artefacts and people under one roof with Xapi organizations and delegate related tasks with Xapi projects.

Different organization types to choose
Every Xapi user will have a default API organization with limited accessibility for private sandboxing purposes. Public organizations enable creating public APIs and artifacts. Xapi users may create premium organizations and control visibility—all artifacts of a public premium organization can be accessed publicly and private organizations only grant access to permitted personnel.

Promote organizations with public profiles
All premium public organizations have public profiles indicating underlying artifacts.

One account to deal with own and external APIs
A single Xapi account enables you to create and maintain your own API organizations as well as subscribe to external organizations.

Global search
Xapi users can efficiently find organizations, projects, APIs, and artifacts through search and filtering functionality

Xapi API Hub
Search and filter public finalized APIs through the API Hub enabling seamless collaboration and integration. It is a central point of contact for developers and stakeholders to access, learn, and interact with API specifications. This streamlines the development process, reduces errors, and fosters a collaborative environment for all parties involved.